Wednesday, April 1, 2009

team redline goes to never never land!

Last week, the team together with our supervisor went for an overnight trip to Pataan Falls. (well, the overnight was just for them..i had to go back to Bacolod around 7pm) It's located somewhere in the south way of Negros. Sorry I'm not really good with directions. I even had my team mate drive my car up to the location. The good thing about the trip was that there was more than enough food, nice cottage and one nature lovin' trip. The falls were beautiful, the water was so cold and the view was mesmerizing. 

The worst part was driving back home. I was wasted. Totally wasted. I was drinking from the time we arrived. Some of us finished off the tequila before noon and i didn't stop. I had to drive the long road home and some of my team mates were with me. I had to straighten up and sober up...especially that we have a kid on board and a sick person who looks like he's about to die was in the front seat. I'm glad we reached our houses safe and sound. Phew! 

So far this was the best Team Building I've been to. Not that we get to have a lot of team buildings... but I had so much fun. If i look back during that time all i could remember clearly were the laughtrips and the punch lines. Ofcourse, when we all got back to work the following week... I was the topic! For being so wasted. For making them laugh and for the vomitting on the rough road of Ma-ao. good thing it wasn't caught on camera. It was one helluvah day! 


Thanks Team Redline. Cheers to the good times!!!!

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